About Duckart and Dogs

The name DuckArt comes from joining the names of my two soul-dogs, LuckyDuck and Mozart.

I found Duck in the summer of 2000...the year I really started living life. New to rock climbing and road-tripping, Duck gave me the courage to travel solo to the remote climbing areas across the US. He was my guard dog. When he passed in 2011, I was devastated. But a few months later, this little brindle pup found its way to me...ironically at the first and last place I ever took Duck...an old country gas station in the Red River Gorge of Kentucky. It was St. Patricks Day...the "luckiest day of the year"...so I took it as a sign from LuckyDuck that he didn't want me to be sad anymore.

Since 2012, Mozart and I have had many adventures backpacking, road-tripping, and climbing Colorado's glorious 14ers. He is my faithful and loyal watchdog and companion.

Duckart Designs started out as a project of love. In April of 2021, Mozart started limping. After a visit to the vet, it was determined that he had torn his doggie ACL in his left hind leg. Because of his active lifestyle, it was suggested that he have TPLO surgery.

Mozart is a very active dog. He has hiked 14ers and long trails with me. Our adventures have taken us all over the Southwestern United States and the hills of Southeastern Kentucky. It would have been devastating to this dog if I were to start leaving him behind. I knew I had to do something.

So I set up surgery with Colorado Canine Orthopedics...the best of the best. It was to be a few weeks before they could get him in for the procedure and I held my breath, hoping he'd not do more damage to that left leg.

A few days later I was sitting on our back patio having my morning coffee and Mozart was doing his morning business. To my horror, he comes crawling back to me dragging the back half of his body. The unthinkable had happened. HIs right doggie ACL blew out from overcompensating that right leg.

Now both legs needed TPLO surgery ASAP....a very expensive operation x2.

Not knowing how I was going to come up with the money for the surgery, I decided to start selling my postcards and portrait sessions (I'm a photographer, btw).

My cards are now sold throughout the state of Colorado as well as in the lovely Red River Gorge of Kentucky.

PS: Mozart is currently recovering from double TPLO surgery and will soon be able to hit the trails with me again!

Me and The Duck back in 2003 climbing in The Red River Gorge of Kentucky

Me and Mozart adventuring in Southern Colorado in 2019

Mozart after his double TPLO surgery.

Mozart adventuring in Utah wearing Duck's bandana...way too big for him.